Caroline Christie-Coxon’s Circle Culture is a conceptual framework that deconstructs linearity in favour of a cyclical, relational mode of thinking. Rooted in her Fluid Loop motif an evolving visual language of movement and interconnectedness Circle Culture engages with ecological philosophy, cultural continuity, and non-hierarchical knowledge systems. It proposes a paradigm shift in contemporary art: from Cartesian dualism to an organic, fluid ontology that reflects the interwoven rhythms of nature and human experience. As both a movement and a philosophy, Circle Culture positions art as an active agent in the transformation of global consciousness.
Circularity is inherent to the human experience. Christie-Coxon actions fluid loops, endless in its iterations and forms, a symbol created to represent the vastness of concepts relating to unity, duality, oneness, and the endless return. An ode to materiality, each circle is a deliberate gesture ultimately resolved by nature; revelations of alchemy at the intersection of structure and liberation. One may see the fluid loop as a modern hybrid of the ancient Ouroboros and Japanese ensō, iconic in the context of the global issues humanity faces today, symbolic of a culture seeking circularity, connection, and inclusivity.
Process and circularity characterize Christie-Coxon’s work; no two forms are the same; these ‘imperfect’ circles allow for - and embrace - variation. The Circle loops back, informing itself repeatedly. In ‘collaborating’ with paint, Christie-Coxon’s works become visual records of revelations at the intersect of gesture and process. Pigmented substances are engaged as elemental and reactive, presented at scale and in action. The process of making is not hidden, but rather remains a prominent aspect of the completed work.
Mystic Spell, 2024. Synthetic Polymer on canvas, 150 x 150cm.
Enso, 2022. Synthetic Polymer on Belgian Linen, 150 x 150 cm
Yin and Yang, 2022. Synthetic Polymer on Belgian Linen, 150 x 150 cm
Revolution, 2021. Acrylic and Ink on Canvas, 100 x 100 cm
We Are Living On The Circumfrence Of A Circle, 2021. Acrylic on Canvas, 80 x 160 cm
Evolution, 2021. Acrylic on Canvas, 120 x 120 cm
The Void, 2022. Synthetic Polymer on canvas, 100 x 100cm
Primordial Pulse, 2024. Synthetic Polymer on canvas, 150cm x150cm.
Resolution By Liberation, 2024. Synthetic Polymer on canvas, 150 x 150cm
Circuit, 2021. Acrylic and Ink on Canvas, 150 x 150 cm.
Halo, 2021. Acrylic on canvas, 150 x 150 cm
Universal Cycle, 2022. Synthetic Polymer on Canvas, 150 x 150 cm
Polygon Loop, 2022. Synthetic Polymer on canvas, 100 x 100cm
You The Universe, A Natural Oxymoron, 2021. Oils on Canvas, 170 x 220 cm
Opposites, 2006. Acrylic and Ink on Canvas, 130 x 130 cm
Temperament Is A Circle, 2024. Acrylic, inks on canvas, 150 x 150cm.
In the Spaces Between, 2006. Mixed Media on Canvas, 110 x 110 cm
To Reteach a Thing Its Loveliness, 2006. Oil on Canvas, 100 x 100 cm
Gestures in Passing, 2005. Mixed Media on Canvas, 100 x 100 cm
The Light of Discovery, 2007. Oil on Canvas, 200 x 130 cm
New Infatuations. Acrylic on Canvas. 130cm x 130cm. 2005.
Full Fascinating Bloom, 2007. Mixed Media on Canvas, 100 x 100 cm
The Romance of Scent, 2006. Mixed Media on Canvas, 120 x 90 cm
Closer for longer. Acrylic on canvas. 110cm x 110cm. 2006. (High Res)
Beyond Even the Abstract. Oil on canvas. 2000 x 1300. (Mid Res)
The beginning, 130 x130
Reciprocal Fantasies 1 [diptych], 2005 . 500 x 500. Mixed media on canvas
Take me with you. 110cm 110cm. Acrylic on canvas. 2006.
Unique Observations 1300 x 1300. Mixed Media on Canvas. 2006
Vermillion Stained Decision. 1500 x 1500. Mixed media on canvas. 2005
Walk in the Park. 120cm x 90cm. Mixed media on canvas. 2006
undercurrent. 2006. mixed media on canvas. 130 x 130cm
Circles 1. 2003. Mixed media on canvas. 1300 x 1300 (High Res)
circles 3/6. 2003-4. mixed media on canvas. 150 x150
to try to know (diptych) 2006. mixed media on canvas. 100 x100
underwater love 4. 2006 oil on canvas 45 x 45
underwater wait. 2006. oil on canvas. 45 x 45
Reset The Surroundings. 1300 x 2000. Mixeed media on canvas. 2009
Squared Circle black. 2004. oil on canvas. 110 x 100cm
In The Company Of Strangers, 2005, Mixed Media On Canvas, 150cm x 150cm (High Res)
Flexing For Success.80cm x 160cm. Oil on canvas. (High Res) 2010
hidden patterns 1 Oil on canvas 100 x 100cm (High Res) 2019
use you cadence ladder. 2006. oil, rust, verigris on canvas. 60 x 2000