“I am drawn to the age-old medium of paint; working with paint can be primal, visceral, intimate, and filled with potential for expression and observation”
Christie-Coxon’s practice is one deeply committed to exploring the processes and potential of paint. PAINT BEHAVIOUR is Christie-Coxon’s answer to a process-driven approach to dealing with the medium; which she refers to as “encouraging the paint to express itself”, facilitating and capturing painterly happenings through a liberation of the medium.
Christie-Coxon’s collaboration with the medium embraces the revelations at the intersect of
gesture and process. Pigmented substances are engaged as elemental and reactive; presented with scale and action. The process of making these paintings is not hidden, but rather remains a prominent aspect of the completed work.
The result is the development and documentation of a unique and expanding visual language native to paint; a lanquage visceral and dynamic, revealed through Christie-Coxon’s exposure of the medium to unconventional and aleatoric techniques.